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KerryBright's Chat
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hinnat: 2 Ikä: 41 Sukupuoli: Nainen Rintojen koko: Uhkea Rakenne: Atleettinen
I have always dreamed to be a James Bond's girfriend. To spy and to get into all kind of adventures... and sometimes to be on the edge... but eventually everything should end up good , we are happy and sooo much in love, we saved the world , but Mr.Bond might be going to another girl , who waits for him in the next episode ,unless I can find the way to keep him with me for goods ???

Exclusive Content from KerryBright

KerryBright provides you the most erotic experience through their exclusive content.

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I like adventures... which can be in different things , starting from jumping with parachute ( or without ;) ) up to falling madly in love with a stranger online. Maybe even falling for him without never seeing his face ,that would be crazy but exciting )

Mikä ei kiihota minua

I do not like routine and boredom, and of course !!! I do not like arrogant and rude people ( but who even likes them ?)

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