hinnat: 11 • Ikä: 28 • Sukupuoli: Mies • Peniksen koko: Suuret • Rakenne: KeskisuuriIn Private Chat, I'm willing to perform
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Kissing, frenching, snogging, sucking face—the prime mover of the sex world. It can make or break the chances of things going further. Nothing is a bigger turnoff than kissing someone who is haphazard, sloppily drunk, or or who is blind to body language. Strike a balance with the tongue: No tongue at all feels like junior high, too much tongue feels like tenth grade. What’s the right amount? I
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Learn to look at the sunny side of every situation. Believe that if you try hard enough things will get better. If things still go wrong then teach yourself to believe that something good will come out of it. In a world that is bleak, no one wants to be with a person who constantly points it out to them