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BlytheAndPhilome's Chat
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hodnotenie: 2 Vek: 18 Pohlavie: Žena Veľkosť pŕs: Normálna Výška: 169 cm Postava: Chudí Veľkosť zadku: Normálna
Hi, we're Sophia and Emily, a loving couple living in the vibrant city of New York. Sophia is a 18-year-old graphic designer, while Emily is a 18-year-old elementary school teacher. Our journey together has been a beautiful blend of creativity, passion, and mutual support.

In Private Chat, I'm willing to perform

Cosplay, Análny kolík, Fajčenie, Olejovanie, Vibrátor, Detaily

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Co mě vzrušuje

We love spending quiet evenings painting, drawing, and listening to classical music. We enjoy exploring new art galleries and finding inspiration in different forms of art. We love going on spontaneous weekend getaways, discovering new places, and making memories together. We cherish our cozy movie nights at home

Čo mi berie vzrušenie

We don't love when people underestimate the value of art and creativity. We dislike the constant rush and noise of the city sometimes; it can be overwhelming. We don't like seeing each other stressed out from work or upset. We dislike how people often judge our relationship without understanding it. We don't love feeling creatively blocked or uninspired.

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