votes: 11 • Âge: 28 • Sexe: Homme • Taille du pénis: Énorme • Carrure : Musclé
Archangel, psicho, sociopath, bipolar, paranoid schizophrenia tendencies, highly empathic, diamond kid, indigo kid, narcisist, the most unselfish, incredible fair, vigilante, dirty minded, adrenaline junky, first place or no place, unjelous, open minded, incredible curios, 135/136 on 140 scale iq test, sometimes incredible stupid, big heart, with huge fight between heart and brain, rescuer, died t
In Private Chat, I'm willing to perform
Huile, Danse, Masturbation, Jeu de rôle, Vibro, Zoom
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Ce qui m'allume
To live Xtream, and do good deeds.
Ce qui m'éteint
Bad people, and stupid people.