votes: 3 • Âge: 35 • Sexe: Femme • Taille de Poitrine: Grand • Taille: 155 cm • Carrure : Plantureuse • Taille des Fesses: Grand
We will make you forget everything, exalting each of your senses with the pleasure of eroticism until you reach the stasis of your hot orgasm. Inhabit me, penetrate me. Unite your body with mine. Your mouth between my mouth. Your heart enlarges mine until it bursts… Tear me apart. Burn me, burn me Don't forget us!!
In Private Chat, I'm willing to perform
Huile, Zoom, Jeu de rôle, Pantachattes, Godes, JOI
Contenu exclusif de LizJohel
LizJohel provides you the most erotic experience through their exclusive content.
Ce qui m'allume
We like a good coffee , read, travel and meet new cultures, food, ice cream and enjoy every moment of our lives.
Ce qui m'éteint
we don't like lies, bad words